Product Management

Video: The 4 Types of Product Managers
Video: The Top Deliverables of Product Managers
Video: The Role of the Product Manager
Video: Building Your Product Intuition with Feedback Rivers
A Primer on Talking to Customers From Rob Fitzpatrick's The Mom Test
Video: Annual Planning and the Art of Roadmapping
Video: Product Management & Innovation with Productboard
A Primer on Cultivating Taste from Legendary Producer Rick Rubin
Video: How Today's Product Builders Find Product/Market Fit
New Course: Finding Product/Market Fit
Video: Product Strategy, Getting Buy-In, and Startup Ideas
The Power of Amazon's Written Narratives
Peter Thiel's Anti-Lean Manifesto
Top 50 Resources on Product/Market Fit
Video: How to Master Influencing Without Authority
A Primer on Network Effects From Andrew Chen's The Cold Start Problem
New Course: Mastering Product Management
My Top 10 Essays of 2020
Architecting an Intuitive and Powerful Offline Experience in Notejoy
A Primer on Business Strategy From Hamilton Helmer's 7 Powers
A Leader's Guide to Metrics Reviews
5 Skills Every Product Manager Can Learn From Elon Musk
The Top Deliverables of Product Managers
Finding Product Culture Fit
A Leader's Guide to Implementing OKRs (Part 2)
A Leader's Guide to Implementing OKRs
Atomic Habits for Product Managers
A Look Back at a Decade of
Podcast: How to Get Actionable User Feedback for Your Product
Positioning for Product Managers
Podcast: 3 Types of Product Managers
3 Compelling Concepts from Basecamp's Shape Up
What Silicon Valley Can Learn From Bill Walsh's The Score Takes Care of Itself
Podcast: How to Break Into Product Management
Podcast: How to Answer Product Management Interview Questions
Video: The Style of Product Management
Video: What is Product Management?
Podcast: Sachin Rekhi on Mixergy
Podcast: Ada & Sachin Rekhi On Growth Everywhere
Articulating Your Product Design Principles
Engaging in Product Debates
How to Prioritize a Product Roadmap
Video: The Art of Being Compelling as a Product Manager
Creative Selection by Ken Kocienda
The Messy Middle by Scott Belsky
The Art of Being Compelling as a Product Manager
Video: Developing a Continuous Feedback Loop
Podcast: The Notejoy Journey
Meet Notejoy, a better way to organize team docs
The Hierarchy of User Friction
Top 100 Resources for Product Managers
Don Norman's Principles of Interaction Design
3 Product Lessons I Learned From Finance
Understanding User Psychology: Thinking Like a Game Designer
My Top Five Product Management Essays of 2016
Podcast: Developing a Continuous Feedback Loop
Modern Project Management for Product Managers
Understanding User Psychology: The Psychology of Persuasion
5 Paths To Your First Product Manager Role
Understanding User Psychology: Meet Your Happy Chemicals
The Best Product Managers are Truth Seekers
Designing Your Product's Continuous Feedback Loop
Creativity, Inc: Developing a Culture of Creativity Within an Organization
How To Ace Your Product Management Interview
Developing User Empathy
The 4 Types of Product Managers
Product Management Career Ladders at 8 Top Technology Firms
Video: The Art of Product Management
Video: The Hunt for Product/Market Fit
The Art of Product Management
How to be a Great Product Leader
3 Essential Dashboards for Every Product
Design Your Development Process for Learning
Minimum Viable Team
The State of Customer Development
How Do You Know If You've Achieved Product/Market Fit?
The Hunt for Product/Market Fit
Bringing Emotional Intelligence to Your Product Design
How to Find Your Ideal Customer
How to Design Your Customer Validation to Maximize Product/Market Fit
A Lean Alternative to a Business Plan: Documenting Your Product/Market Fit Hypotheses
Solving for the Mythical Man-Month
Lessons Learned on the B2C2B Model
Growth Lessons Learned from LinkedIn
A Practitioner's Guide to Net Promoter Score (NPS)
5 Leadership Lessons Learned from Jeff Weiner
The Importance of Developing Personas in Product Design
The Inertia to Innovation at Scale and How To Overcome It
The Best Product Managers Fall in Love With a Problem
The Inputs to a Great Product Roadmap
3 Reasons Better Products Don't Always Win
How I Learn: By Carefully Studying the Products I Love
How To Build Your Audience Well Before Launching Your Product
The Many Ways YouTube Encourages Content Discovery
Presentation: What is Product Management?
Weekly Digest Emails as an Effective Engagement Mechanic
My Favorite Product Management Tools
How a Product Manager Can Listen to Their Users Every Day
Evaluating a Product Manager's Portfolio
The Product Manager as the Quarterback of the Team
Mastering Effective Communication as a Product Manager
The Art of Decision Making as a Product Manager
How Am I Going To Move My Product Forward Today?
The Value Equation of Productivity Applications
The Most Underrated Product Management Skill: Influence Without Authority
Top 10 Posts on Product Management from the Industry's Best
What is Product Management?
Considerations in Designing a Developer Platform
An Important User Acquisition Lesson From My Many Hours on YouTube
What Motivates Me?
BJ Fogg’s 5 Secrets of Behavior Change
Design is Product, Product is Design
Tactics in Increasing Signal to Noise Ratio
The Future Is Here: Passive Monitoring
Freemium Design Pattern: Scale Pricing with Customer Success
Designing and Testing an Ad Product: 5 Lessons Learned From imeem's Audio Ads
Incorporating Virtual Currencies in Non-Gaming Sites


Video: Notejoy on The Factor
Podcast: Bootstrapping, Alternative Funding, and Silicon Valley's Echo Chamber
Podcast: Notejoy on Launch Pad, Wharton Business Radio
3 Observations on Microsoft's Acquisition of LinkedIn
The Boundless Opportunities in Business Productivity Apps
Making Connected a Successful Acquisition
Lessons Learned from Connected
The Best Startups Minimize Their Dimensions of Innovation
Three Important Criteria for Evaluating Your Next Startup
Understanding the Players in the Social Data Layer
Evernote, The 100 Year Company
The Resurgence of LinkedIn
How to Hire Great Engineers for Your Startup
The imeem Mafia
Connected: Your Personal Relationship Manager
Why I Love San Francisco
Startup Lessons Learned from my Recent Wedding
The Monk and the Riddle by Randy Komisar
Optimizing for Fundamental vs Strategic Value
The Next Chapter in Online Content Discovery
5 Social Platform Predictions for 2010
What is an Entrepreneur-in-Residence?
Lessons Learned as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence
The PayPal Wars and its Lessons for Today's Entrepreneurs
Clara Shih, The Facebook Era, and Business Opportunities on Facebook
My Muses for Brainstorming Startup Ideas
Interesting Metrics From Flash Gaming Summit
Optimizing Offer Providers with Sometrics Virtual Currency Manager
Protect Yourself with the Corporate Veil
Lessons Learned from imeem
The Value of the Y Combinator Experience
Monetize Online Music with Audio Ads
9 Startups to Help You Build Your Virtual Economy
Monetize the Twitter API
Make Something People Will Buy
Does Facebook Connect Deliver on its Promise?
The Rise of Media APIs
Top Underhyped Open Platforms
5 Music Startups to Watch in 2009

Career Optimization

Midlife Career Exploration
My Home Office
Remote Work Tips From Basecamp
How I Write
Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke
How I Redesigned My Work and Life Around a Growth Mindset
How to Build Your Self-Confidence by Memorializing Praise and Rejection
Video: Successfully Navigating Today's Career Maze
5 Keys to Unlocking Your Inner Beast Mode
How I Leveraged an Explore & Exploit Algorithm to Find My Dream Job
My Daily Learning Ritual
Optimize For Passion/Skill/Opportunity Fit
How to be an Infinite Learner
Always Be Closing
Who’s in Your Draft Pick?
My Professional Identity

Life Hacks

How I Determined My Health KPIs by Analyzing the Leading Causes of Death
My Financial Stack as a Millennial
How I use Mint, Personal Capital, and Wealthfront to Manage my Finances


Reflections on the Technology Stack for Connected
A Look at Open Source Inside Connected
My Development Stack
Why I Abandoned the Rackspace Cloud
Google App Engine Task Queues, Push vs. Pull Paradigm, and Web Hooks
Shortcomings of Google App Engine
Palm Gets it Right With Mojo Developer Platform
Is Google App Engine Ready for Prime Time?